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Name : Pkgod Jordan 4 Retro University Blue
Model: CT8527-400
About Pkgod Air Jordan 4 Retro University Blue
These sneakers released in August 2006 and retailed for $250.
About Pkgod (also known as Perfect Kicks)
I believe all (also known as ) fans are familiar with it. pk factor y started in 2008 with a mission to one day be able to make 1:1 exact copies of shoes.Pkgod is a high-quality replica brand of sneakers. The adopts high-quality materials and advanced stitching technology equivalent to the original factory and is excellent in detail processing and shaping.
6 years ago. Pkgod started getting bigger as a factory in China and started to expand to produce more quantity while remaining the quality.
Perfect Kicks has become famous all over the world. and more and more people are buying Pkgod version of replica sneakers. which is very exciting.
Now. buy Pkgod 1:1 replica sneaker at a discount on
About us shipping
We ship from China to the world .Provide our customers with the fastest delivery service through DHL. But in some countries. we will ship via EMS (Because DHL cannot deliver or will be charged high tariffs ).
We will ship within 2-3 working days after the customer places the order(If available).To ensure that the sneakers you receive are perfect. we will strictly inspect them before shipping them out. and we will send you QC pictures. So please fill in you’re correct and frequently used contact information when ordering.
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